Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Welcome to the Everyday Constellations Blog

This is, finally, the first post of the blog for the Arch254 Studio. We already have a lot of you included as contributors (I believe almost everyone in class), so you all can start posting. Remember we want everyone to post at least 3 images per week, including a brief explanatory comment on each of them. The results we are already seeing in class are pretty exciting, so I'm glad that we will be also sharing with more people from the rest of the University, and beyond.

I'd also like to give you a heads up regarding the comments: We'd really appreciate (and value) that everyone of you takes checks the blog daily and whenever you find it interesting, take the time to comment on your classmates work. It can be a really valuable feedback and it doesn't have to be long or sophisticated, but I can assure you it will be useful. We'll also use the blog to make comments whenever we consider it interesting, so the ideal would be if we could actually establish here a collective conversation about our everyday constellations. 

IMPORTANT: When posting classwork, make sure you include on your tags the code of the exercise: e1 for the first exercise, e2 for the second exercise and e3 for the third exercise. Remember also that now that the blog is usable we want you all to upload the images and comments from the previous two weeks, so we can understand properly the evolution of the work.  

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