Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yan Gong Ex.1.2 Rearranging space and objects

The second week, we are rearranging our five spaces, we can expand or contact from it original size; i changed mine based on how i use them and my need for the objects.

    I rearranged my bed to a bigger size, so i can put my computer and book on the bed as well, do not need put them on the floor anymore; i add a header for the bed and it is shape of the back pillow, since i used it so much; other than the bed, i also add a window on the wall between my room and my boyfriend's bedroom, which is the next door, this way i can just open the window and talk to him, sometimes we called on the phone cause we are lazy to walk out of the bed ;)
floor plan


    For the bathroom, i added another small bathtub next by mine for my cat, because every time my boyfriend and i gave her a shower, it will be a mess, a small size tub is easier for me to clean.
floor plan

section( sorry wrote wrong on the paper)

   I change the shape of the table, easier to sit, we do not have a lot people coming for dinner all the time, so i did the shape for two of us; also i add the plant at the corner of the room, bring some green in, and it is good location for the room according to the "FengShui". ( it is a Chinese way about how to organize the space)
floor plan



4.Indoor study
   I rearranged my desk to a lot bigger size and it is in L shape, one side for computer and the other for drawing, i added a head boarder, so i can put my models and other stuff on, and the LED lights under it; the next thing i made is a hole at the corner of the desk, and there is a place under it to put garbage can, it is easier to clean especially after using the easer.
floor plan


5.Outdoor study - McDonalds
   I rearranged the restaurant by adding a cafe part, and changing the wall to open window, instead of two chair for one booth, i changed to one chair, i feel the table is only enough for one person; i also added a upper board on the table, we can put the drink and food on, this way we wont spill the drink on the computer.
floor plan



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