Thursday, February 20, 2014

E1 – Clockwork Constellation

Clockwork Constellation is composed of 5 reimagined spaces that I spend the majority of my time in. Below are drafted pictures of the original spaces before they were redesigned.

[Study Space: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Bedroom: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Zedd’s Space: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Living Room: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Kitchen: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

After realizing what worked and what didn’t within each space, I redesigned them and created models for the newly existing spaces.

[Study Space – Noting: Additional work area.]

[Bedroom – Noting: Redesigned headboard with shelving.]

[Zedd’s Space – Noting: Larger space for Zedd, and side table.]

[Living Room – Noting: Redesigned couch for better seating.]

[Kitchen – Noting: New layout with more storage and cooking space.]

The final step of the exercise was to take the five spaces and construct them into a constellation. Below are pictures of the final product, starting with my initial idea.

[Parti diagram of initial idea]

The elevator tower running up the middle, with the clock dangling inside, is a representation of the central theme revolving around time. Thus, my spaces are organized by what space I spend the least time (bottom), to the space that I spend the most time in (top).

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from the front.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from left.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from right.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from back.]

The heart of the piece is the kitchen overlooking the living room, because that is where I do the most entertaining. Often I will find myself in these 5 spaces losing track of precious time that I will never get back.

 [Clockwork Constellation viewed from above left side.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from above right side.]

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