Monday, February 10, 2014

Nina Wong E1 "Fill in the Blanks"

I tried to connect my constellation by deconstructing everyday spaces that I use (Figure 1) and reconstruct them into something else (Figure 2). I focused mostly on creating an experience that highlights the process of getting from one space to another. I played around with the idea of varying heights of platforms referencing a cityscape defined by skyscrapers. In a sense, I was trying to create my own city.

The final product is much more of a sculpture than a finished piece of architecture. I was essentially using it as a platform to think about the spaces I use everyday instead of trying to create a finished product. The structure makes references to familiar structures; however, under closer analysis, it becomes clear that the spaces are not practical in terms of accomplishing tasks they were originally designed for. I turned the bed and the kitchen upside down attempting to ask questions rather than provide answers. With the cantilever beam, I tried to create a sense of suspense in terms of balance of the structure (not just in weight but also as individual spaces). I entitled it "Fill in the Blanks" in an act of throwing back the question to the user what she/he thinks the spaces should be.

I felt that I could have done more but I have to admit I got attached to the initial spaces and had a hard time tearing them apart.

Figure 1: Initial 4 Spaces

Figure 2: "Fill in the Blanks"

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