Thursday, February 27, 2014

Group Haley E2 Process Photos (envelope)

A few shots of our alley in process,
Beginning of the envelope structure and close ups of vegetation.

more structure, circulation, and vegetation.

E2 Combined Alley

These are the pictures from Noah and Sofia's team. These are our Alley photos all combined.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

E1 – Clockwork Constellation

Clockwork Constellation is composed of 5 reimagined spaces that I spend the majority of my time in. Below are drafted pictures of the original spaces before they were redesigned.

[Study Space: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Bedroom: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Zedd’s Space: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Living Room: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

[Kitchen: Floor Plan, Elevation, & Perspective View]

After realizing what worked and what didn’t within each space, I redesigned them and created models for the newly existing spaces.

[Study Space – Noting: Additional work area.]

[Bedroom – Noting: Redesigned headboard with shelving.]

[Zedd’s Space – Noting: Larger space for Zedd, and side table.]

[Living Room – Noting: Redesigned couch for better seating.]

[Kitchen – Noting: New layout with more storage and cooking space.]

The final step of the exercise was to take the five spaces and construct them into a constellation. Below are pictures of the final product, starting with my initial idea.

[Parti diagram of initial idea]

The elevator tower running up the middle, with the clock dangling inside, is a representation of the central theme revolving around time. Thus, my spaces are organized by what space I spend the least time (bottom), to the space that I spend the most time in (top).

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from the front.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from left.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from right.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from back.]

The heart of the piece is the kitchen overlooking the living room, because that is where I do the most entertaining. Often I will find myself in these 5 spaces losing track of precious time that I will never get back.

 [Clockwork Constellation viewed from above left side.]

[Clockwork Constellation viewed from above right side.]

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Group Noah Statement of Purpose


To create space that examines and explores the relationship of distinct programmatic zones and the ways they connect to form an active, living plaza.

Personal Constellation Final Drawings

These are the final drawings of my personal constellations. Rather than focusing on intense detail (that was enunciated through the models) I wanted to show the proportion of the spaces and the relation of the shapes inhabiting those spaces.

Group Hailey

We want to create an Ecosystem using vegetation, water and stepped spaces. We will use a Bio Dome shape that will envelope & unify the spaces. Lastly, we will build partially underground spaces that layer into the rest of the project, this is to utilize space & emphasize the layered feeling of space  .

Process Drawings + Group Statement 

-- Concept Model --

 North Side of Alley -- 1st & Main 

Team Haley


Johnelle's Constillations

Heres my spaces, and the love of my life.
:) enjoy .